6 Tips To Simplify Your Morning Routine

6 Tips to Simplify Your Morning Routine

Simplify Your Morning Routine to Start Your Day Better!

With the start of school and the momentary chaos that brings, I have been thinking about morning routines. Those first few weeks of school are always hard. Between trying to figure out carpool timing, finding school supplies, and buying new clothes, it is exhausting. Here are 6 tips to simplify your morning routine to help transition back into a routine after the summer break.

1. Do absolutely everything you can the night before!

My counter looks like this most nights before bed. My water for my workout is ready. Breakfast is assembled as much as possible, and part of dinner is ready to go. morning countersThis takes so much stress out of our mornings. I am not a morning person, though I am trying to learn, so the fewer things to think about, the better. It also keeps me from forgetting anything.

2. Lay out clothes.

If your kids are old enough, make them lay out their clothes for the next morning before bath time. If not, do it for them. I even lay out my own clothes. It stops the frantic, “what am I going to wear” cycle. My kids seem to enjoy doing it, too. Especially the younger one. It is like a job and he feels all special while he learns responsibility at the same time!  We made the rule that if that is what you set out, that is what you wear. Period. (Myself included!)

3. Have a staging area.

We have hooks and a basket in our kitchen area in lieu of a tiny table.  This has become our staging area.  It isn’t ideal, but trying to hustle out in the mornings, it works. All bags that need to go for the next day go in this area before bed. My purse, my work bag, my daughter’s backpack, my son’s lunchbox, any extracurricular clothes or stuff, my husband’s work bag, all pile in (and around) the hooks and basket. We just pick up what we need and leave.

Simplify Your Morning Routine

4. Make a snack station.

We have two snack stations. One in the pantry and one in the refrigerator. These are areas that the kids know to choose from (it works for husbands too). The pantry usually has applesauce, raisins, some type of cracker, and what they select at the grocery store for snack time. One drawer in the refrigerator (or one large Tupperware) is designated for cold snacks. We keep cheese, yogurt, pre-washed and divided fruit, boiled eggs, and homemade lunchables ready for the week.

Simplify Your Morning Routine

5. Get your food together.

My snacks and lunch go in my bag the night before and so do my kids.  If we have cold items, everything goes in the lunch box (even the items that do not need to be cold) and it goes in the refrigerator.  Just grab the lunchbox and you are out of the door.  If your kids are old enough, make it their responsibility to pack their own snacks or lunch.  My daughter is 7 and is self-sufficient to pack her own lunch.  I do check it to make sure it somewhat balanced, but she does a great job.  My 3-year old packs his own snacks with little to no supervision.

If something needs to be defrosted for dinner tomorrow, take it out and put it in the refrigerator.  Have a base plan for when you get home.  For example, you set out a pack of chicken.  You may not know exactly what you are having, but you have the base started and can decide the rest during the day.

6. Clean out your beauty products.

Get rid of old makeup that is expired or you will never wear. Don’t save that eye shadow for that special night out if you have not used it in the last two months. When that night comes, you will want something new and fresh, not what has been in your drawer for over a year. Minimize your hair products. Do you really need 3 brushes? Clearing this area makes finding what you need in the mornings much faster.

These are just a few of the things you can utilize to make your morning go smoother.  Every day is an opportunity to do something new, why not try and start it off on purpose?

Do you have any morning hacks you want to share? Leave a comment below or come join the Faithful Feather Facebook community!

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2 Responses

  1. Molly says:

    I used to lay out my clothes, shoes, & accessories the night before work, and you’re right! It freed up time the next day. More than anything, it chilled me out to have one less thing to think about.

    • I know! It is crazy how much time something that simple frees up. I went through a period where I would lay out my clothes and then change my mind in the morning. Now that my closet is minimal and I love everything in it, I don’t change my mind. 🙂