Category: Minimalism

Dream kitchen

Minimalist Kitchen

Hey, Beautiful! Let’s talk about what is in your kitchen! The kitchen is my favorite place in any home.  Somehow it always feels like the main hub for a home. My kitchen is very small but every time we have guests, we all congregate in my tiny, aspiring minimalist kitchen....

what is minimalism

What is Minimalism?

What is minimalism? It seems like such a catchphrase right now. It’s a lifestyle, a decorating style, a meal planning approach, but what is it, exactly? The short answer is that it depends on who you ask. It also depends on your personal inclinations and beliefs. There are varying definitions...

Kids Closet

Kids Closets

Kids Closets: Changing of the Seasons Does walking in your kid’s room to put their clothes away give you an anxiety attack?  The drawers won’t close, the closet is a boobie trap, and every shelf is just waiting to collapse.  The top of my kids’ closets used to be a...

decluttering and simplifying have changed my life

How Decluttering and Simplifying have Changed My Life!

How Decluttering and Simplifying have Changed My Life I know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that getting rid of my extra stuff has changed me all the way to my core. Decluttering and simplifying have changed my life. I used to feel like my stuff equaled status.  If I...

What To Do With Your Kid's Artwork

What To Do With Your Kid’s Artwork

What To Do With Your Kid’s Artwork What in the world do you do with all of your kid’s artwork? My kids bring home so many beautiful doodles and masterpieces every week. I am super sentimental and really love each one of them. Let’s be honest though, I am never...

Talking to Family & Friends About Lifestyle Changes

Telling My Family About This Lifestyle Change

  When I finally decided that minimalism is something I needed in my life, I did not tell anyone.  I started a silent journey of cleaning out.  Several times per year I always go through the kids’ closets as well as my own.  My husband didn’t even notice.  The donation...

Minimalist Mom Closet Clean Out

  Minimizing Mama’s Closet Now that I was armed with all of the information about minimalism my brain could handle, it was time to start somewhere.  I kept reading about the benefits of having fewer material possessions in your life. I also read all different kinds of approaches.  Some minimalists...

Discovering Minimalism with Kids

Discovering Minimalism

Discovering Minimalism Do you feel like all you ever do is clean up after your kids?  As soon as you get the kitchen cleaned up, you turn around and realize that the living room has had tiny tornadoes whipping through it?  I felt like I was cleaning up my kid’s...